7 Things Service Animals

Service animals provide essential support, from mobility and sensory assistance to detecting diabetes and seizures. However, many EMS providers lack awareness of the laws and responsibilities surrounding these animals and their handlers.
In this episode, paramedic educator Rob Ravndal shares his experience, including how his service dog, Cairns, gave him new insight into service animal care. Listeners will learn how to respect patients and their service animals while delivering the best care and adhering to legal requirements.
An essential listen for EMS providers striving to improve patient outcomes and understanding.
How to get CE
1) Purchase the CE product
2) Stream the podcast and take notes
3) Take the CE quiz
4) Pass the quiz and receive 1 hour of CAPCE-approved CE (Operations).
This CE activity is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) for one Operations CEH.
Listen to a sample: